Oct 1, 2009

Italian and Thai Basil

My dining room is fragrant with the smell of basil. I think it's the purplish Thai basil that's giving off the herbal fragrance. I planted both kinds this summer in the garden and have potted them for the indoors. I only hope they will survive in front of the south window, and may have to give them and the other indoor plants some artificial light.

In the green mix by the window are a long box of basil, a large pot with a banana plant and its large sucker (making it two plants), a lemon leaf tree, and a small planter with philodendron, a palm, and a few other tropical plants. I often lose the herbs in winter from lack of light and maybe some neglect. Will see how they do this winter.


Jane Doe said...

Greetings from another garden blogger in northwest Ohio. I found your blog through Blotanical. I so appreciate the fragrance basil emits, but love the flavor more.

I look forward to reading more.

Wood Water Garden said...

It's been a while since I devoted some time to this gardening blog, and fall is already here. Thanks for visiting.

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