Apr 14, 2010

Yellow and Coral Spring Surprises

I hope the bees come soon so I'll have sour cherries this summer!

This young japonica or ornamental quince bush, chaenomeles speciosa, surprised me with multiple buds this spring. I took this at night with shaking hands, so must get a better picture when more of the coral buds open up.

This twiggy bush also gave more blooms this spring than last year. It's getting more sun this spring and should bloom all summer. Darn! I forgot the name!


Jingle said...

fresh like spring water,
I enjoyed it.

joanna said...

What a nice surprise will have to listen to it.....this is a treat this rarely happens.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

These are so beautiful; thanks 4 sharing.

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