Jan 19, 2010

Two Spots of Winter Color in the Snow

The Euonymous Wintercreeper bush above has kept its yellow-green leaves through the freezing temps and snow. It's labeled for zones 5-8.

The red berries of the Rockspray Cotoneaster have survived the winter and the birds, who also use the birdfeeders in the backyard and in the neighborhood to get food in winter.

No other bush or tree in the backyard have color, other than brown/black and white, and the dark green leaves of hardy rosebushes.

The pictures are foggy because of the weather and because i took them from inside the house,looking out through a glazed window!

Jan 10, 2010

Memories of Fall 2009: Color

The maple turned a lovely red in the fall and of course is leafless and  covered in snow now. In spring the leaves are a darker red and more purplish in the summer. I took pictures in November but never posted them. It seems like a good idea now in the middle of black and white winter!

Click on the photo to enlarge it and see more detail.

Spring and Fall: To A Young Child by Gerard Manley Hopkins

The 2014 National Poetry Month  Blog Tour is hosted by Serena at  Savvy Verse and Wit  to celebrate poets and poetry in April. Let me sh...