Jun 18, 2009

A Robin's Empty Nest

Another empty nest! Today, the second of the two fledgling birds flew the coop,literally. The first one left yesterday and must have come back today as the second followed it out of the nest to the dogwood tree nearby. Now they have both flown off.

We had watched a robin build her nest over the past month and then settle in. When I came back after a 10 day vacation, I saw two large chicks fluffing and preening in a nest in the tall woody bush outside the front window. Mother bird would fly out to get food from the grass after a rain, but had back up food sources - a serviceberry tree in the front yard and a sour cherry tree in the back, both with lots of red fruit.

Now both chicks have flown the coop and I admit I miss watching them, almost as much as I missed having my own empty nest years ago when our second child left home!

Wonder if another robin will find the nest next year, if it will last that long!

I'm glad to see our garden supporting wildlife!

I have photos, but will post these later.

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